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Saturday, September 25, 2010


(CBS--Fall Season--Season 11 Premier)
Oh my Gosh! If you are doing a publicity stunt by going on a major crime drama I would recommend you NOT blow up my Nicky!!! First they shot him and now they blow him up. And by the way, Justin Bibber will Never Ever be forgiven for blowing up my Nicky!!! Okay I'm done with that for now.
At least we got Catherine back. They have pretty much sidelined her since Grissom left and now she is back to being the person she was before. She is the boss, but she treats everyone like they are her family.
She was so gentle and caring with Nicky. It was wonderful. And when she talked about Warrick she was almost crying. That was so sweet. And the first reference to Warrick in two years. Why don't shows like mentioning past characters?
Oh and Casey. I was pitching a fit about Wendy be forced to leave the show but if we get to keep Casey...I am acctually pretty happy with that. I love Casey. Which is a sure fire way to make certian she is dead with in the year, but lets hope they curse breaks.
So here's to a new season better than the last.
~Writer Freak~
Cath:After I lost Warrick I threw myself into my work. I thought if I worked hard enough, then I wouldn't have to think about what happened. Nicky, there isn't enough work in the world.
Nick: I never knew that about you
Cath: I'm good at hiding things. Just like you.

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